Thursday, July 18, 2013

Task force projects 33,000 more homeless in L.A. County by 2016/ Operation Confidence United We Serve For Disabled Veterans

Task force projects 33,000 more homeless veterans in L.A. County by 2016

A  business group said on Friday , July 12. 2013, that 53,000 people, including 33,000 veterans, will join Los Angeles County's homeless ranks by 2016, the deadline the group had set to get former soldiers and chronic transients off the streets for good.

The grim projection came two weeks after the release of a new count showing a significant rise since 2011 in the county's homeless population, from 50,000 to 58,000.

The sharp increase from 50,000 to more than 58,000 homeless people marked a departure from counts in 2011 and 2012, which showed reductions of 3% to 7% over previous years. And it came despite hundreds of millions of dollars in government aid poring into the county each year to get people off the streets

In 2006, Operation Confidence, a grass roots 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization who advocates for individuals with disabilities witnessed first hand disabled veterans sleeping in their wheelchairs on the streets of Los Angeles in the skid row district. It was a shock to see that many of them where still wearing a portion of their military uniform and holding on to the American flag as they tried to deal with no resources or support from the federal government, family members or the community after sacrificing so much to protect our country. 

In 2010 and again in 2011, Operation Confidence hosted United We Serve  " Tribute To Our Disabled Veterans, a resource fair to bring awareness about  this injustice. 

Both events took place on the grounds of the Los Angeles Sports Arena and all branches of the military participated. 

In an effort to do more, Operation Confidence, a civilian organization goal is to raise the necessary funds to obtain transitional housing and job opportunities for our wounded and disabled veterans. 

We need all the assistance we can get. For additional information contact us by email at: and visit our website at .